Comments on: Annotating the Front Page MAS S.67 // Spring 2020 Tue, 19 May 2020 20:52:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: EthanZ Sat, 11 Apr 2020 13:58:10 +0000 I love the idea that there’s a group designated as responders to news as it exists, because there’s certainly responses to news as published by folks all around the ideological spectrum. I don’t know whether conservatives responding to the NYT is as broad a spectrum as you might want – corners of my ideological bubble specialize in complaining how conservative the Times is. Perhaps there are a couple of projects where you invite folks to the right and left of the content to react to different sources? I worry that asking people to respond to everything is a recipe for overload and overreaction – is there a way to ask responders to pick one thing they thought the source they’re following got wrong that day? And maybe a counterbalance of something they feel the publication got right? Stories that one side grudgingly accepts could be a really interesting news feed. Excited to see where you go with this.
