– Each measure represents one hour; a quarter note is 15 minutes.
– During chunks of time during which I was moving back and forth between two media (using a computer and writing on paper while doing homework, for instance; or listening to music and talking to friends while hosting a party), I alternated the chords in question, either quickly if the transitions felt fast or slowly if the transitions felt more fluid.
– Each chord is coded with a broad category as the lowest note and tweaks built on top:
- Any time I was having a conversation, the lowest note is middle C; other notes you might see for a conversation are D (for digital conversation), E (spoken aloud), F (with non-friends), G (with friends).
- Similarly, the base note for listening is D, tweaked with F for music, G for a lecture, A if it was for fun and B if it was mandatory. (A podcast counts as a fun lecture.)
- The base note for reading is E, tweaked with A for books, G for articles, B if it was for fun and high C if it was not for fun.
- The base note for watching is F, tweaked with A for TV, G for a movie, and C for exercise content.
- The base note for writing is G, tweaked with B for on paper, D for on a computer, and F if it was for a loved one. (An email is coded as writing, but texting is coded as a conversation.)
- The base note for other digital activity is A, tweaked with C for games, D for social media, and E for homework or other computer use.
- A bonus note, B, lives on its own and stands for walking around in the world.
– Here’s an audio file in case you’d like to hear what it sounds like. (Not very good!!) It was recorded at double speed because some of the extended blocks get a little boring in 4/4 time, and to keep the recording under two minutes.