
My Media Menu

I hoped to track my media consumption this week as seamlessly as possible. To achieve this goal, I sorted through a list of options in the Chrome Extension store and ultimately installed Webtime Tracker. This app tracked the hours I spent on websites from my Chrome browser. I had never done something like this so I was excited to see the outcomes from one week’s worth.

Using the aggregated data from the past seven days, I decided to construct a Media Menu. The Main Courses included the top three websites I spent the most time on, the Appetizers had the next top three and the Desserts contained the next top three. The prices reflect the percentage of time I spent on that particular website.

While the results weren’t too surprising, they compelled me to look through my media consumption again and write a more condensed version of the types of media consumed from that platform or website. From this long and windy process, I was reminded that I watched mostly YouTube interviews, that I listened to mostly new music from SXSW artists, and that I spent an enormous amount of time on statistics programs and resources for my one class.

Bon Appétit!